About arsMedicina


To provide an innovative space for exchanging new knowledge in basic, clinical, and behavioral sciences in an open-access format.


To publish scientific papers and disseminate health information with the highest standards of quality, excellence and methodological rigor.


  • Scientific integrity – to promote conduct based on ethical and deontological principles that guarantee rigorous and responsible praxis in research.

  • Collaboration – to encourage the broad participation of students, researchers and teachers from various disciplines with the purpose of informing and educating.

  • Professionalism – to promote interdisciplinary work with the commitment to the highest performance among researchers, academics and students, respecting the diversity of positions.

  • Quality – to meet the requirements of a serious, rigorous and scientific publication.

arsMedicina is an online, open-access medical science journal featuring:

  • Articles reviewed by independent peers
  • A swift and transparent editorial process

Our commitment lies in upholding and promoting the highest scientific and ethical standards in scientific publishing.

arsMedicina aims to be a platform for expression for the national community interested in:

  • Medicine and health-related topics
  • Exploring subjects in their full diversity and depth

Our publication includes:

  • Original and secondary research articles
  • Research protocols
  • Clinical practice guidelines
  • Critical analyses
  • Opinion essays
  • Book reviews
  • Current commentaries
  • Letters to the editor

In essence, we strive to promote knowledge dissemination across a wide array of formats.

Our Legacy

arsMedicina continues the legacy of a previous journal from the School of Medicine of the Universidad Central del Caribe, which served the academic community and society by offering a space for reflection and study on:

  • Frontier issues at the intersection of medical science
  • Health culture
  • Transcendent values of the human person, humanities, arts, medicine, and health

Join us as we continue to explore and expand the frontiers of medical science and human health.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief- Diana Fernández, EDD, MS
Founding Editor – Jorge Lastra, MD
Advisory Editor – Norman Ramírez Lluch, MD
Managing Editor – Mildred Rivera Marrero, MPH


  • Iris Salgado, PhD
  • Angel M. Mayor, MD, MS
  • Ivette Suárez Arroyo, PhD
  • Phaedra Gelpí Rodríguez, EDD
  • Solianne M. Martínez Jiménez, PhD
  • Elaine Ruiz, MPH, RT
  • Lyliana Crespo Nazario, D.H.Sc.
  • Luz Ramos, PhD, MHSA
  • Waleska Crespo, PhD, MHSA
  • David Rivera, PhD